Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice

This workshop explores new perspectives on anti-oppressive practice by applying a “4D2P” framework that brings a simplified language to a dense set of topics. The 4D2P Framework focuses on the practices of Discuss, Discover, Decide and Disrupt (4D) to inform Social Work practice in the domains of Power and Privilege (2P). This innovative framework provides strategies for dealing with difficult issues, confronting systemic oppression, and working toward equity for people at risk of “othering” and social marginalization. Based on the popular book Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice.


  • Dr. Prospera Tedam, Professor of Social Work, University College Dublin, Ireland

Date and Time

  • May 9, 1:00 - 4:00


  • Registration available here.


  • $75.00 - Early Bird (Before April 1)

  • $115.00 - Regular (After April 1)

  • $40.00 - Online

  • Low-income - No charge

About Dr. Prospera Tedam

Dr. Prospera Tedam is Professor of Social Work in the School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice at University College Dublin. She has held positions at Universities in England and the United Arab Emirates University. Her research interests are in the areas of culturally sensitive social work, anti-oppression and anti-racism in social work, school social work, as well as decolonising social work research, education and practice. Prospera utilises Critical Race Theory (CRT) and while her research has multiple but interconnected strands, she is particularly keen on how Social Work education prepares culturally responsive social workers for practice with diverse families and communities. Prospera is the Editor for the Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning in Social Work, Health and Nursing and is an International Editorial Advisor for the British Journal of Social Work.